
Ibogaine is a powerful chemical compound that produces profound effects in the user. Administered in a safe environment under the care and supervision of a physician, it can be used to help addicts kick their addiction.

It is not a cure for addiction, none exists. Instead it is a tool that can be used by motivated individuals to help them kickstart their recovery. What follows is a brief breakdown of what you can expect when you arrive in Mexico to receive Ibogaine at Baja Ibogaine.

Arrival & Intake

When you arrive, we will get you settled and introduce you to the team that will be assisting you on your journey. Once you’ve settled we will take blood and urine samples and send them off to the lab.

We do this for several reasons. For one, we need to get objective readings of your drug abuse. This will allow us to keep you comfortable in the time running up to your Ibogaine treatment. We will also look at things like liver function and other key indicators of health. Ibogaine is rough on the body, it’s nothing you cannot handle, but we want to get a good sense for what kind of condition you are in.

The results of your bloodwork and urinalysis are usually complete within 24 hours. We like to get this out of the way as soon as possible. Occasionally we may require further testing, but this is usually not the case. Once we have the complete results, the doctor will review with you your results and discuss any recommendations he may have that are specific to your situation.

Heart & ECG

When first you meet with the doctor, they will administer a 3-lead ECG. Again, we are establishing a baseline and we are also looking for any abnormalities. Of particular interest is a prolonged QTc interval. Assuming that you do not have long QT syndrome, you will be able to proceed with the treatment. Under no circumstance will patients be allowed to proceed in the event of concern from the part of the doctor. In order to separate financial considerations from medical, we have chosen to make it a policy to provide complete refunds and immediate discharge in the event a patient does not medically qualify for treatment. Your safety is our top priority.

The 24 Hours Before

If you are to receive Ibogaine on a Thursday night, we will give you your last dose of morphine Wednesday night right before you go to sleep. When you wake up you will be served a liquid breakfast in the form of a smoothie. By this time you will have begun to experience the beginnings of withdrawal. We will do what we can to mitigate this, but we cannot give you morphine. It is important for your system not to contain opiates when you undergo treatment.

During the morning we will encourage you to spend some time outside and get fresh air, it helps a lot. Before noon, we will administer you a small “test dose” of Ibogaine. You will be monitored to make sure that there are no adverse reactions during this time. We are looking for things like allergic reactions etc. This does will not induce psychedelic effects in any major way. However you may hear the Ibogaine whirring sound faintly in the background.

To The Hospital

By about 4pm we will transport you to Hospital Jardon, a brand new stat-of-the-art full-service hospital. We are the only clinic in Mexico that administers Ibogaine in an actual hospital. Ibogaine is safe, but there can be complications. We feel that administering Ibogaine in a true medical setting is imperative.

It will take about an hour or so to get you situated and hooked up. We will insert an IV, which will help us administer anti-nausea medication when needed and also help to ensure that you are kept well hydrated. You will wear a blood pressure cuff and pulsimeter. And you will be hooked up to a 3-lead ECG.

Finally, you will be attended to by a large team, which will include your physician, several nurses, and additional support staff. This allows us to attend to your every need throughout the treatment. Oh and did we mention that your hospital room is totally private and has it’s own private bathroom.